The Importance of Having A High Vibration
Life is about frequency. Homeopathy is about raising that frequency.
Modern life is getting faster and faster. This is partly because the vibration, or frequency, of the world and all who reside on her, is increasing. This is a natural evolution.
The advent of the mobile phone has also contributed to this, very often in an unhealthy way. You’re ‘on call’ all the time - calls, alerts. There is no downtime, No time to stop and ‘smell the roses’.
This is really bad news. We all need to be able to stop and relax, just being. It recharges us. It connects us to our inner core, where really good advice awaits us. Distancing ourselves from this tends to make us unhappy, depressed, sick.
Add to that the constant, and crazy, chaos that’s happening around the world, with the desire to keep up, which is impossible, and sooner or later pathology sets in.
Pathology only sets in AFTER we have lost our inner connection. The inner connection keeps our vibration high. Losing it, lowers it.
Low vibration translates as fear, disempowerment and vulnerability. When we’re frightened, we tend to make rash and poor decisions, without reflection.
So it’s vital, not just for our own health, but for that of the future, to raise our vibration, to keep up with what our beautiful planet is doing.
One of the reasons I love homeopathy so much is because it raises our vibration. Really, without effort on our part.
Pathology is nothing more than showing us our vibration is lower than it should be. Suppressing that with drugs lowers it still further.
Wellness always starts in the mind, very often from childhood experiences. Our societies are quick to put children down, not so quick to build them up.
So we have to do the work of building ourselves up.
Low vibrations are not only unhealthy for us, they feed those in the the power struggle to control us. It’s really important to understand that. Whenever we bad mouth someone, it ripples out to feed those who are without love. That’s why they focus so much on fear. Fear disempowers us. And feeds them.
Leave the chaos outside and go within. Your power is there. The current struggle is a spiritual struggle, between the good and bad, or love and no love.
Choose love. Love is really respect.
Leave petty squabbles.
Imagine the world you would like to live in.
Our thoughts and feelings do have an impact. Fighting the system lowers our vibration. Fighting each other does the same. That doesn’t mean we need to accept. Far from it. But the alternatives are not built on fighting each other.
Find yourself and trust your inner wisdom. It will always support you.
Good homeopathic treatment helps to raise your vibration.